Monday, March 14, 2011

thing a day...

This week is a shout-out to my friend Lori - funny strange - and her husband Stephan who has been keeping a new blog project - Thing a Day Project - a creativity marathon - since January 1, 2011.

Stephan is a multi-talented phenom.

He sings, he writes, he paints, and he's a voice-over wiz - and a plethora of other talents.

Prompt #46: For your prompt this week, head on over to Stephan's page and get inspired by his project. 74 days in, there is plenty to choose from. and while you're at it, check out Lori's blog...she packs some serious funny!


stephancox said...

Wow. Can't thank you enough for the kindly shout-out. Very much appreciated!


Joanne said...

excellent link - lots of talented, creative folks in this world. We all have to support each other and the arts.

Karen said...

Stephan - you are most welcome!
Joanne - agreed! I love being able to share talented people with everyone. I never want anyone to miss out!