Monday, May 24, 2010

Bittersweet and Melancholy

So, I've just returned from a going away party/going away weekend for my best friend and her husband. Bittersweet, you know? The weekend was full of laughter, jokes, late late late hours; lots of food and beer, good friends - new friends, old friends, friends I'd not seen in four years - and today I am just a wee bit sad because the whole thing was fabulous! Now it's Monday, I'm back home, and the next time I drive to Eastwick I won't get to see my midget. Makes for a sad girl.

So today's prompt is bittersweet. You can write about chocolate, moods, feelings, bittersweet moments, The Verve's Bittersweet Symphony...time to write.


Jenn Bower said...

Nice prompt: My BFF is moving away too. Bittersweet! It is her favorite baking tool...

Donna Volkenannt said...

Working for the military overseas I attended several Hail and Farewells. These were bittersweet occasions, saying goodbye to friends who were going to be stationed elsewhere and welcoming new friends.

I hadn't thought about that experience in a long time. Thanks for the prompt and memory.
Donna Volkenannt

Clara Gillow Clark said...

Anytime chocolate is present, you can count on me to show up! Hope you're having a wonderful chocolatey writing day. Bittersweet is good for writing.